Banner Reservoir Office

10975 K-16 Hwy
Holton, KS 66436
(785) 364-4236

Park Hours:
6:00am - 11:00pm (Daily in season.)

Email Us

Come and hike or bike our 13 miles of trails, including 3 miles of ADA approved trails. The trails are a combination of single-track and double-track packed earth and grass. The trail surface is rated easy to moderate and features native grass and woodland areas, rustic foot bridges and wildflower plots.

Trail Rules:

  • No motorized vehicles
  • Pets should be on a leash
  • Please put litter in its place
  • Leave only footsteps, and take only memories

Maps for all the trails are available online right here, or printed copies can be picked up at the Park office.

Banner Creek Reservoir is proposing a trail plan
that will connect Banner Creek to the City of Holton

For more information about trails in Kansas, click here to visit the Kansas Trails Council.

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